Luggage Trim Clip Rear

About this product

The Luggage Trim Clip Rear (#64726-26010-C1), a crucial auto part in Toyota's Body Deck Board & Deck Trim Cover, Body Floor Mat & Silencer Pad, and Body Mat & Carpet systems, is primarily responsible for securing the car's interior trims and mats in place. As the vehicle moves or vibrates, the clip keeps these components from shaking loose or shifting. Genuine parts like this one are crucial for maintaining vehicle compatibility, and they are also backed by Toyota's genuine parts warranty. However, like all parts, the Luggage Trim Clip Rear (#64726-26010-C1) is subject to wear and tear. Over time, it may become old, broken, or non-functional. This could lead to unsecured car interiors that may pose a distraction to the driver and even jeopardize passenger safety. Therefore, periodic replacement of the Luggage Trim Clip Rear (#64726-26010-C1) is vital for the overall efficiency and safety of the Toyota systems it supports.